If your Best Operator is Retiring, we've got you covered!
Komatus’s new Proactive Dozing Control is designed to mimic a skilled Operator when using Automatics.
So how does this Work ??

Hit the job site running, no job file required for initial cuts, because this Dozer is constantly measuring the existing ground, and constantly creating surface data on every pass. This new technology also reduces over digging on slopes by following the grade of the earth's surface. This allows for a more accurate grade with less passes on changing terrain.
By using proactive dozing the operator and machine are in sync with the contours of the ground allowing for "High production dozing", ensuring each pass is accurately calculated for precise “Cutting and Carry”. All this results in a less heavy load of earth and ultimately less time and money overall. The operator has the ability with the touch of the work equipment lever to adjust the depth of the cut. This new dozing control logic is a combination of 3D GNSS Automatics and operator manual input.
Come out and EXPERIENCE the Difference!
ESS Ontario Website