Dear Valued Customers,
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, ESS wants to assure you that we are doing
everything possible to continue business operations while at the same time making the health andsafety of our employees and customers our number one priority. During this time, ESS has
implemented plans to minimize business disruptions as much as possible and ESS is committed
to doing everything possible to support you and your business operations during this time.
In order to protect everyone’s businesses and employee’s health, ESS has committed to the
- Communicating with our employee’s best practices on how to stay healthy and the
importance of proper hygiene practices
- Encouraging our sales staff to make customer calls from their phones and limit face to
face interactions with customers as much as possible
- Encouraging all employees who are feeling sick to stay home. Anyone who has
symptoms associated with COVID-19 are encouraged to call public health or their
- Supporting flexible work arrangement including working from home, virtual meetings
and conference calls
- All international and domestic business travel has been suspended indefinitely for all our
- We are rotating our technicians and warehouse employees at all our offices at any given
time to support social distancing and minimize the chance of a full department or office
becoming infected
- Our road technicians will not be coming into the office and will only go on sites where
proper cleaning supplies are provided and appropriate safety precautions are being taken
- Requiring any employee who has recently travelled outside of Canada to refrain from
coming to any ESS office or interacting with any ESS customers for 14 days after their
arrival back into Canada
- Limiting outside visitors to ESS employees, Canada Post, courier deliveries and customer
- Only ESS employees will be allowed to go past the front foyer at any of our offices
- Any customer coming to any of our offices will be required to remain behind the front
desk and are asked to keep a distance of at least 6-feet from any of our employees
We will continue to follow this situation closely and make any changes to our policies as
required. We remain committed to providing you with excellent service during these challenging
times and appreciate your continued business and support.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
- 175|AT
- Aftermarket
- all-terrain
- autograde
- avetta
- Berco
- Best Managed Companies
- bushings
- Canada's Best Managed Companies
- Case Studies
- Caterpillar
- construction
- continuous improvement
- crane
- cranes
- crusherwearparts
- customer focused
- Deere
- dozer
- dozerblades
- efficient
- environment
- Esco
- excavator
- Excavator Crawler Medium
- excavator telematics
- face sheild
- fire
- fire safety
- fuel efficiency
- fuelconsumption
- fuelefficiency
- gnss
- gps
- grade
- grade control
- headandcoldstress
- healthandsafety
- healthandsafetyexcellence
- Heavy Equipment
- heavy lifting
- heavyequipment parts
- heavymachinery
- hybrid
- iCraneTrax
- idler
- imc2.0
- Intelligent Machines
- isn
- jobsite
- jobsites
- johndeere
- Komatsu
- Komatsu Dozer
- Komatsu Excavator
- Lattice
- lifting
- link belt excavator
- Link-Belt 245 X4 Spin Ace
- Link-Belt Cranes is Pulse 2.0
- linkbelt
- links
- loader
- loaderlips
- lockout and tagout
- loto
- machine
- machinecontrol
- maintenance
- my komatsu
- new excavator
- pipe
- predictive maintenance
- preventionofslipsandfalls
- remote care
- rigging
- safestemployers
- safety
- safety glasses
- safety talk
- safetyandeyecontact
- safetyandharness
- safetyatheights
- safetycompliance
- safetyfirst
- safetyhandsignals
- safetyspotting
- safetytalks
- sitech
- slipsandfalls
- smart construction
- smartconstruction
- telematics
- tier4
- topcon
- trackshoes
- trimble
- undercarraige
- undercarriage
- vises
- Volvo
- weir
- wheel loader
- wsib

Unveiling the Specifications of the Link-Belt 175 AT Crane

Upgraded PC130LC-11 excavator increases lifting capacity by up to 20%